Sunday, May 4, 2008

Fits of Rage

Anant has become too temperamental lately. Fits of rage emerge at every single 'no', which happens so often. It's becoming a constant tussle.
He's getting addicted to TV - from Perman to Power Rangers. Why do these channels show cute kiddie shows only in the morning? His day starts with Caillou or Winnie the Pooh. With his glass of milk in his hands and constant "finish your milk" from me, he finishes it finally after the programs are over and it's been an hour! It's the evenings filled with shows like 'Shinchan', something that I don't want him to watch. And to top these all, there are Power Rangers - with God knows how many different series. It's these evening shows, from which I try to keep him away, which often results in to
1. Anant walking off to neighbors and watching TV there.
2. Me locking the door and Anant throwing a fit, with screaming, shouting, howling, stomping, and scratching, biting and even kicking me.
I have tried my best to keep him occupied in other things, and till he was three and half years, he was blissfully unaware of anything on the TV.
It all started with him making friends at school all of whom are addicted to Power Rangers and Ben 10. That's what they all discuss all the time, showing off their Power Rangers or Ben 10 toys and other stuff, making him feel deprived of all the fun!
How I had rejoiced when our TV conked off. But then it became nightmare for the neighbors. Though they are his second family and treat him like a kid of their own, still for how many hour can they let him bully them and watch all the horrors called cartoons? They were not allowed to watch their favorite programs by the Brat and finally I had to get my TV fixed so that he comes back home to sleep!
I recently planned to block all these channels that show Power Rangers and such stuff. But then, I remembered how he had created hell for the poor neighbors, and so I've given up on that idea.
Dunno what to do now!

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