Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Little Picasso

It's been long since I blogged last here. Anant has grown up a lot in these few months. He's still a devil many times, but he is definitely learning and really 'trying to be a good boy' now.

He has accepted 'one toy a month' rule and dinnertime TV is over (although he still often throws a fit, trying to have 'just this one show' allowed!). Yesterday he even agreed to study for half an hour before half an hour of TV. But that was because Papa had very strictly told him 'no TV for a day' for throwing a fit and screaming on our building's staircase (a public place) at nine in the night. And Papa has also said that if he does not follow this 'no TV for one day' he will have to go without TV for whole of the month!

Meanwhile, between all this 'trying to be good' and 'tired of being good' boy, Anant is turning quite an artists. Here is a sample of my little Picasso... shall soon post more...